Detailed RFP 2019 HUD NOFA
/MD-508: Calvert-Charles-St. Mary’s Continuum of Care Request for Proposals (RFP): US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2019 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
The Calvert-Charles-St. Mary’s Continuum of Care (CoC) is accepting new and renewing applications for the 2019 HUD NOFA Local deadline to submit applications to the CoC is Friday, August 30, 2019 at 5pm. For more information contact Jackie Green, CoC Collaborative Applicant,
General Criteria:
Applications for renewal and new projects are requested. The complete Notice of Funding Availability and all related resources for this competition can be accessed at HUD’s Homelessness Resource Exchange here. Applicants are strongly advised to review this information to better understand program eligibility components. Projects that do not fall within the HUD definition of permanent housing per the CFR or Notice of Funding Availability publication will not be accepted.
In order to be considered for inclusion in the CoC’s Application for Funding through the Continuum of Care Program, interested organizations must demonstrate that they meet HUD threshold standards for eligibility and have the organizational capacity to deliver services. Applicants must also demonstrate that their proposed projects are aligned with HUD and CoC strategic priorities and that the projects have been planned with the highest standards for quality and responsiveness to the needs of our community.
2019 Funding Priorities:
The CoC establishes annual funding priorities based on information from the most recent Gap and Needs Analysis, HUD priorities and progress on its own CoC strategic goals. More information on each of these can be found at the CoC’s website, .
The 2019 funding priorities for the CoC are:
A. Permanent supportive housing (PSH) that meet the requirement of Dedicated PLUS or where 100 percent of the beds are dedicated to chronically homeless individuals and families.
a. New PSH applications are encouraged for programs that demonstrate the ability to reach the unsheltered population.
B. Rapid rehousing (RRH) for literally homeless individuals, families, unaccompanied youth and other sub-populations as defined in the 2019 HUD NOFA.
a. New RRH applications are encouraged for programs that demonstrate the ability to reach the unsheltered population.
C.Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing-Rapid Rehousing (Joint TH and PH-RRH) component projects to serve homeless individuals and families, includingindividuals or families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence.
Available Funding: Total available funding is determined by HUD and based on the CoC’s 2019 Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) of $2,841,450 for currently funded projects. HUD also offers potential funding for new projects as a housing bonus for strong CoC applications. Available funding for new projects under the housing bonus is $142,073. HUD is offering an additional $50,000 in bonus projects specifically focused on Domestic Violence. Application Review: The CoC’s Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for application review. Projects that meet the minimum HUD threshold eligibility requirements will be considered for review. Applications accepted for review in this funding will be rated and ranked according to application scores and the CoC’s funding priorities for 2019, as above. The review process is broken into two components: STEP ONE: Scoring New and renewal projects will be scored using the attached rubric. The scoring rubric assesses an applicant’s project plan and past performance in providing homeless services, alignment with HUD and CoC priorities, level of participation in the CoC including utilization of HMIS and Coordinated Assessment, and demonstrated staff and organizational capacity to undertake the proposed project with HUD funding. Please see attached 2019 Scoring Rubric for more information on Threshold Requirements and scoring criteria for renewal and new projects. STEP TWO: Rating and Ranking Using the scoring results, applications are then ranked according to:
•CoC and HUD Priority
•Application Score
•CoC Housing Inventory Capacity
HUD requires that the ranking process divide applications into two tiers. Projects placed in Tier 1 are deemed essential to the CoC and will include the top scoring priority ranked projects. This year HUD has allocated $2,670,964 of the ARD for Tier 1, or $2,670,964. Tier 2 projects include remaining projects that meet HUD eligibility and threshold requirements and are ranked according to ability to meet HUD and CoC’s identified high priority needs.
Hud allows CoCs to consider reallocating or reducing funds from currently funded projects to a new project that provides permanent housing, that is better aligned with HUD and CoC priorities and/or is better able to achieve outcomes for a high performing project. For more information on reallocation, please see the CoC Standards Manual, pages 53-56.
Additional information:
Please visit for the CoC’s Gap and Needs Analysis and Strategic Plan to end Homelessness.