Notice of Funding Availability
Notice of Funding Availability: The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has published its State FY21/Federal FY20’s Homelessness Solutions Program (HSP) grant application. This grant is for non-profit providers in Southern Maryland to provide the following services:
Outreach for unsheltered households
Housing stabilization, to include Homeless prevention and Rapid rehousing services
Shelter operations
A maximum one-page written letter of intent and budget is required for any new applicants, to include the responses to the following questions:
Explain the agency's efforts to reduce homelessness within your community, specifically describing the agency's strategies for connecting clients with housing solutions.
Provide a brief description of the program(s) that will be funded through this application, including the populations that will be served.
Describe how there is need for an additional service provider(s) and how the additional provider(s) were evaluated for performance outcomes.
New applicants must provide a copy of their IRS 501(c)(3) documentation. A 25% match is required for all requests, either cash or in-kind, and proof is required as part of the request. Existing providers should only submit their requested budget.
The entire grant and policies can be viewed at
Notifications will be provided by Friday, April 24th, 2020. The total amount of funding available is $872,400.00, which is the same amount awarded for the previous year. Existing providers and new applicants must submit requested information by 4pm on Friday, April 17th, 2020 to Jackie Green, the Calvert-Charles-St. Mary’s Continuum of Care Collaborative Applicant: Questions can also be directed to Mrs. Green at 301-863-7361.